The Professional Business Fraternity
Alpha Kappa Psi
Psi Sigma Chapter
In 1904, Alpha Kappa Psi was founded on the principles of educating its members and the public to appreciate and demand higher ideals in business and to further the individual welfare of members during college and beyond. College men and women everywhere are discovering that Alpha Kappa Psi is much more than just another organization or club—it is a unique, prestigious association of students, professors, graduates and professionals with common interests and goals. They join Alpha Kappa Psi to take advantage of valuable educational, friendship and networking opportunities. Our members benefit from:
The main focus of Alpha Kappa Psi is to provide leadership development, personal and professional training and the fundamental ingredient higher education misses—experience. Through professional development, educational programs, community service and a hands-on application of formal education, Alpha Kappa Psi students use the business skills they are taught in the classroom to acquire life skills such as the art of compromise, consensus building, project management, team building and networking.
Members form meaningful, lifelong friendships with a multitude of people, from fellow students to local business leaders and faculty. The bonds of brotherhood unites members regardless of age, location and experience. The importance of social skills is emphasized with a variety of activities. As a result, a great deal of personal growth and satisfaction is achieved which carries well into the business world.
Through teamwork, our members gain an understanding of the importance of service, develop an appreciation of diversity, and utilize critical thinking skills to overcome challenges and celebrate successes. The fraternity experience provides students with an ideal, non-threatening environment for establishing individual relationships while members work together to make the most out of their involvement in Alpha Kappa Psi. Teamwork is a valuable skill that ranks very high among recruiters.
Professional Development
When you join Alpha Kappa Psi, you join an elite group of professionals who are committed to keeping their skills sharp and careers on track. This is accomplished through professional programs at various levels. Fraternity programs include Principled Business Leadership Institute, The Academy, Case Competition and the College of Leadership. Members gain many valuable skills on the local level as they operate their chapters as "franchises” of Alpha Kappa Psi. Such professional development, when marketed to employers, will set you apart from your peers.
Alpha Kappa Psi encourages each member to improve his or her campus and community. This, combined with chapter philanthropy and service projects, result in a level of service unmatched by other college organizations. Thousands of hours and dollars are contributed to worthy charities by Alpha Kappa Psi chapters each year—now that’s making a difference!
In developing principled business leaders, Alpha Kappa Psi adheres to these lifetime values:
Trust, respect, cooperation, companionship and aid to brothers is the expected norm
Education and experience is emphasized and shared
All actions, whether in business or in life, are guided by honesty, ethics and fairness
Sharing of time, talent and treasure with society and with our fraternity is a priority
A common understanding of our vision and values that transcends chapter, generation and profession is utilized to anticipate and create the future
Alpha Kappa Psi is recognized as the premier developer of principled business leaders.